Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Do you have a list of objections?

I have seen this video buzzing around lately and I was hesitant to post it. For one because as I've said many times, I don't think every Christian is called to adopt and I never want to insinuate that I do. However, I do think a lot are being called but are not doing it. So the question is, why not? My guess is the same reasons we delayed in answering the call. Which by the way.... a friend recently reminded me that delayed obedience is simply disobedience. Anyway, we had a list of reasons why we thought adoption was not for us. As we laid each of our objections before the Lord, He marked every last one off the list for us.

I encourage you to watch this video and then make a list of why adoption is not for you. Pray over your list and let the Lord do what He pleases with your objections. I've heard my husband say many times that he had a mental list a mile long of why we should not adopt but when he finally took "himself" out of the equation his list fell apart. This is when the Lord began showing us that our lives are not our own. Give your list to God and see what He thinks about it :)

(turn off my music at the bottom)

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