Monday, January 23, 2012

Fun times and a Fundraiser!

So far, 2012 has been full and fun, I guess that means it's been full of fun! Well, fun for the most part. We are gearing up for our home study update and I must confess, I'm not turning back flips from excitement like I was the first time around. But, it must be done!

Over the weekend, I got the big pink binder labeled "Esther" out of the safe. Yes, i keep it in the safe! If you've been through the adoption process before, that makes perfect sense to you. In case of a fire or natural disaster, I'm afraid I wouldn't make it out alive by the time I tried to rescue 7 children and "the binder" (of course the binder would be last ;). Anyhow, it has now made it's resting place back on the kitchen counter.

Our social worker comes tomorrow for our update and I'm guessing he's going to give us some assignments. Just what I need..... something else to do. Yes, I'm griping but it's all good. We are thankful to still be on this journey to our sweet Esther. We wish she were here but we will continue pursuing her at all cost until she's at home where she belongs. We are also asking our sweet social worker for a favor (or two ;), so please pray that he has favor on us. :)

Anyhow, we kicked this update off by heading down to the USCIS office to get our fingerprints re-done. I realized that our appointment notice had this statement at the bottom:
"only persons who are necessary to assist with transportation or completing the biometrics worksheet should accompany you".

Oops.... sorry!
Oh well, at least I took 3 of the "well behaved" kids. Thankfully, everyone was super nice and even bragged about how quiet and polite these babies were. It's amazing what kids will do when bribed with the right treats. :)

We celebrated the launch of our "update adventure" by baking some really fun cookies. Sugar makes everything better, right?!!!

Last week-end was actually like a vacation for me and my man. We were asked to go to Tennessee as chaperones with our youth group from church. This was the first time that our oldest two, Lexie and Dallas, were able to go on a retreat together. I think we may have had more fun than the kids. A full week-end with almost 30 kids that could completely take care of themselves, and I must say these are some of the most amazing kids I know. Not to mention, we got to spend the whole time with 4 other couples that are some of our very favorite people. I missed my little ones back at home, but this time was priceless. So nice to have a weekend with just a couple of our big kids......

I love how close these two are... they may aggravate the mess out of each other, but they have so much fun together!
These are just a few of the sweet kids we enjoyed worshiping and having fun with!

We almost felt like we were on a honey-moon.... I hope that statement doesn't keep us from being invited back next year :)

Well, there's a little bit of the fun we've been having so far this year! Now, please jump over to my friend Malerie's blog and check out their upcoming fundraiser. They are working hard to get their sweet baby girl Gia home soon! Valentines is a great time to get pictures made and NOW you can get some awesome new pictures AND bless this family at the same time. That is if you are in Birmingham or close enough to come visit....

Learn more HERE!!!

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