Friday, June 3, 2011

"Hearing From God" for Dummies

Okay so I don't think there is really a book with that title but if there was.... I would buy it. I love it when I know beyond a doubt that I am hearing a message from God. I believe God speaks to all of us in different ways, though He usually speaks straight from His Word. Another way that God often communicates to me is through a single word or two that He constantly speaks into my spirit. I know very simple,...right. I don't usually hear big elaborate messages from Him... just really short, simple and easy to understand. Works for me!

Anyhow, as I have shared with several friends lately, over the past few months God has been communicating with me through a couple words. Here are the words I've been receiving clearly from Him:

"Relationship" and "Linking Arms"

It has taken a little while but through His Spirit I have come to discern the message with these words. I believe God is calling us into "relationship" with those He allows us to serve. Calling us to "do life" with the people He is placing in our paths. The more we allow this to happen, the more it just makes perfect sense. Isn't that what He calls us to with Himself? A relationship. He doesn't just want to be a means of fire protection for us. He wants to be right in the center of every part of our life. And mine can be really messy.... so that speaks volumes about His love and desire to "do life" with His children.

As for the words "link arms", He is reminding me that in order to accomplish His greatest glory, WE will need to link arms. The church, His children will need to be a family united together for the common purpose of sharing His goodness with all of creation. My pastor at our home church says every Sunday morning "the church is not a building, it's people".... it's God's children. That statement has never resonated with me more than it has lately.

I share all of this with you today because of the post I read this morning on the Together for Adoption blog. It was more confirmation of this message that sounds so simple, yet so powerful that God has been speaking to my soul. I invite you to take a minute and read it.

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